A Simple Way to Increase Facebook Engagement

  If you aren’t worried about your Facebook engagement…you should be. As I wrote about earlier, Likes, don’t matter. Engaged fans do. Facebook applies an algorithm called Edgerank in which it prevents you from seeing every update from every friend and every page you like, in order not to “overwhelm” you. This algorithm can prove difficult for marketers in that […]

Social Media Tweet Chat

I participated in my first social media chat recently and was unimpressed. The moderator asked a series of questions via Twitter with a certain hashtag, and participants can answer the questions that the moderators pose over an hour time span. What is #SociallyGoldChat #SociallyGoldChat is a conversation on Twitter where users get together to talk about […]

Facebook Insights

I look at Facebook Insights every so often to see how well/poorly I am doing. If you are interested in such statistics, which you should be, this post will show you how to analyze your Facebook postings to give you a better “Insight” on how your fans will engage with your future content.   You […]

What Instagram REALLY Wants To Do With Your Photos

Instagram is making headlines again by changing it’s terms of use, which angered many this week. In a blog post on the Instagram website, Kevin Systrom, a co-founder of Instagram, shared his thoughts on what was really meant by the change. Thank you, and we’re listening: blog.instagram.com/post/382521354… — Instagram (@instagram) December 18, 2012 All Instagram was trying […]

Tweeting + Blogging = ?

This post is a follow up to my post on how to apply a social media strategy when you have no time. If you missed that article click here. I experimented with scheduling tweets with links to articles on SoiallyGold.com with Crowdbooster. Scheduling tweets kept my blog traffic at an average of 50 page views […]

The Most Popular Tweet of 2012

As you can imagine, the re-election of President Barack Obama earned a lot of tweets this year. This tweet received over 810,000 Retweets and 300,000 Favorites on November 6th, 2012. Curious to see what else made the list? Click here to see other popular tweets in 2012. You can also see the most popular Tweets from 2011 […]

How to Create a Facebook Group

In this post, I’ll show you how to create a Facebook Group. Step 1: Login to your Facebook Account Step 2. While viewing your news feed, the bottom left of your screen will have a link to “Add Group.” Click Add Group Step 3: You’ll see a list of suggested groups. Click “Add Group” at the top […]