Hello! My name is Adam AKA “SociallyGold”. The idea for this blog, which has become a company, surfaced by accident. I was working for a Jewish non-profit on a college campus and managed the day to day social media in addition to my other job duties. M.E.W. cash advance.
One day I got a call from a friend of mine telling me that she started a new job as an assistant director of a new non-profit and they needed social media help. I never thought to make social media a career, but that was the phone call that changed my life. Later that year, that same friend brought me to the Non-Profit Technology Conference and I met an industry insider who suggested my first step to making this a career was to start a blog.
As soon as I got home from the conference, I took her advice and started Social Media 954. 954 is the area code I live in. The name got a few head tilts from friends so I knew I needed a better name.
I was watching Seinfeld one night and one of the Kenny Banya episodes was on. “That’s gold Jerry! Gold!” It was that phrase that gave me the idea for SociallyGold. The name also works because my last name is Goldberg. I started SociallyGold in April of 2012 and have been working with mostly non-profits to enhance their social media strategy. I have conducted many in person and online social media trainings, spoken on panels and consulted with organizations and businesses on their social strategy.
I continue to offer social media marketing, social media training/consulting and speaking. Please contact me if you’d like to learn more about me or are interested in any of my services.