Virginia Tech Hillel Leadership Dinner Recap
Last night I was invited by Virginia Tech Hillel to speak at their 9th annual Leadership Dinner. The event was sponsored by Virginia Tech Hillel and Ask Big Questions at Virginia Tech. The theme of my presentation was leadership and how student organizations can better use social media to communicate with their members. In addition to the training, I met with individuals and showed them better email techniques, how to create and update blog posts as well as how to optimize websites for social media sharing.
I used my oh so favorite Prezi to present.
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My presentation lasted an hour and I fielded questions from the audience and on Twitter using the hashtag #CreativeLeadership.
The audience had great questions.
Q: How do you access Twitter Lists from your mobile device?
A: Twitter Lists can be accessed by going to the “Me” tab at the bottom of the app and scrolling down. Check out my article on Twitter Lists if you would like to learn more.
Q: I’ve never clicked on an advertisement on the side of Facebook, why do companies purchase the ad space?
A: Companies do spend a lot of money on advertising. Facebook has billions of users and it lets advertisers target them based on their profiles. Even if you don’t click on the sidebar ads, advertisers count on those ads for brand recognition.
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Q: How do you combat information overload? We want to get our message out, but it’s hard to compete with everything else.
A: Information overload is a tough hurdle, but if you make a conscious effort to produce top quality content, your updates will jump out at your audience. Users are on social media to be social and engage with friends and family. Keep that in mind when creating your content. You don’t need to post for the sake of posting. Only craft an update when you have something meaningful that will make the lives of your fans better.
Q: If your organization has niche groups, is there way to associate them on Twitter and Facebook.
A: There is not a direct way to associate niche Twitter accounts or Facebook Pages with a main account. If you are looking to create multiple accounts for your organization, I would advise against it. It can be difficult to manage multiple accounts and you run the risk of having a dead page over time. You also run the risk of forgetting or loosing the login information.
Learn even more about the topics I covered.
. The Twitter @ Reply Trick to Increase Your Following
. Use Eventbrite to get accurate event RSVPs
. Facebook Group vs Person vs Page
. Use Facebook Insights to learn about your audience
. The Facebook Character Limit
. How to resize the new Facebook Event Cover Photo
Have more questions? Email me at or tweet me at @socially_gold