What You Can Learn From Big Brands and their Social Media.

The big brands really get it right when it comes to social media strategy. I try and take cues from what they do in mine. Below are some examples of what the big brands are doing in creative and out of the box ways.

Asking for the Like: It’s as simple as that. Taco Bell just asked for the like, gave a specific number as a goal, and as you can see, surpassed that. Goal reached.


Photo Engagement: Oreo does just as well. They change their cover photo every day to wish a new fan a Happy Birthday. They are celebrating 100 years this year and they are really utilizing their Facebook Timeline to showcase that.


Fill in the blank: Cocoa-Cola is one of the best big brands out there. In this example, they are using pictograms to elicit a response. Fill in the blank posts are also a real easy way to boost engagement.


Do you follow any of the big brands and what they do with their social media? Comment on our Facebook Page and let us know!