Summary: Social Media Google Hangout for Hillel Pros
Tonight we had our first Social Media Google Hangout for Hillel Pros. The В session was set to last an hour and ended right on time. I provided the topics for the first one, but would love for others to offer topics next time. I relied on myВ experiencesВ with Hillel, Ask Big Questions and my full time job as a social media specialist.
Here are the list of topics that were covered
– How to measure Facebook Engagement
– Accurate event RSVPs with Social Media
– Should you link Facebook and Twitter
– Using Social Media for Birthright Recruitment
We spent about 20 minutes on each topic and everyone has a chance to offer perspective of what happens at their Hillel. The goal of a social media hangout is that Hillel pros can build off of each other, see that they are not alone with the challenges they have and do it in a relaxed atmosphere. This was the first of many Hangouts to come, so don’t worry if you missed this first one.
Here are some tweets during and after the Hangout.
We had an intimate group for the first Hangout and even hadВ someoneВ join us via phone! As soon as the Hangout ended, those that attended В sent out tweets almostВ immediately. We created a #MicroCommunity!
I asked for feedback once the hangout was over and everyone said they really enjoyed it because…
– They chose to be there and it wasn’t mandatory
– TheyВ weren’tВ necessarily responsible for any tasks after the Hangout
– It’s nice to connect on a more personal and laid back level
– These are important topics that a lot of people are interested in
– *No one can tell if you are wearing pants.That’s my reason. рџ‰
The next Social Media Google Hangout for Hillel Pros will be after the New Year.Have any topics you would like to see covered in the next social media hangout? Let us know in the comments!
Adam (SociallyGold) Goldberg is a former Hillel professional and currently consults Ask Big Questions with their social media strategy. He also works full time as a social media specialist at an apartment management company. Have social media questions? Tweet, email, Facebook or smoke signal any questions you may have.В