When is the best time of day to post on Facebook and Twitter?


When should I post to get the most bang for my buck? It depends…

Setting goals, whether or in life or with social media, you should set attainable andВ measurableВ goals! The website that I use to measure the Twitter account of Ask Big QuestionsВ is Crowd Booster. You can analyze and measure data from 1 Facebook page (not a personal account) and 1 Twitter account with the free version.

Crowd Booster is a great tool for 3 reasons (and sub reasons)!

1. The site will analyze your data (which may take 24 hours initially) to determine when most of your users are interacting with you online. It will tell you the up to 3 times in a 24 hour period that would get you the most visibility!

2. Crowd Booster allows you to schedule those posts in advance at those ideal times that itВ recommends for you. There are two important things to keep in mind when scheduling posts, whether on Facebook or Twitter.

A. DO NOT strictlyВ scheduleВ posts from this website and not refer to the main website to see who has responded. In a real conversation, or one online, no one wants to be talked to and ignored when asking aВ question.

B. DO NOT link your twitter and Facebook accounts! No one wants to receive the same message on two different channels! Give your fans and followers reasons to subscribe to you on Facebook and Twitter!В

3. Crowd Booster also provides aВ plethoraВ of statical data that will help you “boost your crowd.’ Here are a few of the features it offers.

A. Shows you you influential followers (Based on their number of followers). Pay more attention to those that are influential, and your posts will reach more people.В

B. Shows you each Tweet or Facebook post and how many people the post reached based on the number of Re Tweets on Twitter or Likes and Shares on Facebook.В

C. Crowd Booster also shows you follower growth. It gives you a graph and tracks the number of followers you have on a daily basis.В

В D. It will give you data on the people who you interact with most. With Twitter, it will tell you those that Re Tweet you the most and how many people saw a particular Tweet.В

See the Picture Below

The image below is a screen shot and the featured box is a Tweet that I had while I was in San Fran. TheВ organization who was putting on the conferenceВ (Nonprofit Technology Network) Re Tweeted us, and they have over 8,000 Followers and was Re-Tweeted 3 times. The more RT’s you get, the more people will be “reached” by your post.




1. Use CrowdBooster to boost your crowds!

2. Schedule your post based on the ideal times, but don’t just rely on that. Respond to your followers!

3. Don’t link your social media accounts, it’s bad for business. Hashtags( # ) don’t belong on Facebook!


Do you or yourВ organizationВ already use Crowd Booster? How do you like it? Let us know in the comments!

Learn how to get more Twitter Followers. В