Welcome to Socially Gold!
I just got back from the National Non-Profit Technology conference in San Francisco and met with Ferra from Big Duck! She gave me the advice of starting a Blog to get myself noticed in the social media world. I spend a lot of my time using social media strategy and trying new things.
I get excited when a new idea works, and I use it as a learning experience when experimenting with new social media theories in terms of engagement. I now am the Twitter Manager for Ask Big Questions, an initiative of Hillel: The Foundation for Jewish Campus Life. The followers on that account have grown from 16 in December of 2011 to 303 on April 7th, 2012.
This blog will be used to explain some trials with Social Media as well as tips that I think others may find useful. The name of the blog came to me in two ways; 1. My last name is Goldberg and my personal twitter handle is A_gold. 2. I have a love for Seinfeld and I am referring to the quote by the character Kenny Banya, “That’s gold Jerry, gold!”
I am excited to start sharing and check back here for future updates!